Sunday 28 October 2007

The stress of life

"Blessed are you who have prior knowledge of the stumbling blocks and who flee alien things. Blessed are you who are reviled and not esteemed on account of the love their lord has for them.Blessed are you who weep and are oppressed by those without hope, for you will be released from every bondage.Watch and pray that you not come to be in the flesh, but rather that you come forth from the bondage of the bitterness of this life. And as you pray, you will find rest, for you have left behind the suffering and the disgrace. For when you come forth from the suffering and passions of the body, you will receive rest from the good one, and you will reign with the king, you joined with him and he with you, from now on, for ever and ever. Amen."[The Book of Thomas the Contender]Nag Hammadi CodicesWatch and pray indeed.I've been overwhelmed lately by what seems like stockpiles of work. The stress has become something of an obstacle for me, not really being able to avoid it, but more or less trying to dodge the hits as they come.A moment of clarity is what I needed. I sat, I breathed, and then it came.Smile. Everyone can use a smile. It can dramatically change your mood, and everyone's mood around you.More smiles, less stress. Key to success, I tell you.

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