Sunday, 28 October 2007

The problems with socialism

It seems to me that there is this growing infatuation with Socialism these days. The very heart of it attracts those compassionate people into believing that this is the object of civilized society. I see it growing in political popularity. I see it growing in religious circles. I see it becoming a welcomed member of society.Socialism is basically a form of government that takes all the profits of a society and spreads it equally across its citizens. It looks real good on paper: no one is richer than anyone else; no one goes without a home; everyone has equal access to the goods of a society; everyone has exactly what they need provided for them; everyone is treated and respected equally.As I said, this all sounds great on paper. Problem is, in action, the deeds fall short of the intention. Here are my issues with Socialism:1. No CompetitionIn socialism, all classes of people have exactly the same wealth. No one has more than their neighbor. What this does is create a sense of security and comfort. When someone works harder than another person, the exact same profit is earned (in whatever capacity we call "profit"). Therefore, there is really no need to work harder than another. If one person carries more of the burden, or more responsibility - like a manager of a plant, or the head of a business - there is really no incentive to carry the needs of that particular position to its peak level. You have thus created a plateau for business achievement.2. Someone always takes over.Stalin. Chairman Mao. Fidel Castro. Hugo Chavez. Hillary Clinton. There's always someone ready to take the lead and decide what's best for everyone else. There is a pinnacle; a peak representative of the society willing to bear the "brunt" of the blows for the "good of society." In other words, it turns into a dictatorship very quickly. With society in control of all the wealth and distribution thereof, the head of that society is the one in charge of deciding how it goes out. You have just created a despot. It might work out for a generation, maybe two, but someone will be in charge that doesn't want to give up power. It's human nature. Not spiritual nature - human nature. There are smooth talkers, and fast walkers. Look how our buddy Hugo Chavez is turning his democratic Venezuela into a dictatorship systematically. As long as the right procedure is followed, it can be done. When the government is in charge, there's no stopping the government's control.3. It has not worked anywhere it has been tried.The Soviet Union; Cuba; Communist China; North Korea; Vietnam - not one of these countries has succeeded without millions of deaths, outrageous numbers of starving citizens, or they just haven't succeeded at all. Stalin massacred his own people. So did Chairman Mao. Kim Jong Il allows his citizens to starve while he further isolates his country. Vietnam had millions of its citizens killed when the United States withdrew from its efforts to halt the spread of Communism. Cuba has refugees leaving still to this day. China is only just now viewing the potential wealth in modeling its economy along more capitalist forms. Socialism doesn't work. Not in the forms that have been tried, and not in the forms that will be developed.Human society, as a whole, cannot hold up in this dream of a Utopia. I'll admit it again - all these ideas about Socialism sound absolutely wonderful. But they have always fell short in action. The United States is the freest, wealthiest, most powerful country in the world - and it's been around for less than two and a half centuries. I credit this to an absolutely amazingly written constitution above all else; and an amazing system for its economy to continually better itself. Free trade, capitalist corporate and business models, and a drive to be better for your own sake. In the place, you can become as wealthy as you can figure out how to become. All you have to do is strive to be better. I fear and rue the day that Socialism is found to be the absolute model of perfection. It will be on that day that people hand over that which gives them the right to believe what they believe; that which gives them the right to be what they want to be; that which gives them the right to decide for themselves how far they wish to succeed in life; that which gives them the right to practice whatever religion, notion, or idea comes to their mind.That thing I refer to is freedom. Keep government out of your life. Personal freedom is all that counts in this world.


infinitas said...

Well said.

Unknown said...

I disagree with your post. First, you state that it hasn't ever succeeded, and you cite the USSR, Vietnam, Korea, and Communist China, and Cuba as examples - the reason it didn't work is because they weren't socialist, they were simply totalitarian dictatorships which usually do fail. Additionally, these governments proclaimed themselves communists (which they weren't, or they would not have been totalitarian), which is in itself a different form of government than socialism.
Additionally, you state it cannot work because "someone always takes over." and you cite all those examples, plus Hillary Clinton. First off, those examples are all "communists" which, as stated above, is different from socialism. Additionally, I don't recall Hillary Clinton "taking over" - in fact, Obama is more likely to win than her.
Finally, you state that there is "no competition:" however, in true socialism, you can still have slight differences. If one individual slacks off and doesn't work, that individual gets no benefit. However, hard workers still get some gain from that work. The difference between this and capitalism is that under socialism, there is little to no risk that an individual will be without his or her needs fulfilled and, consequently, all individuals are able to lead productive lives.
I ask you to please read about many European nations: France, the UK, and most northern European nations are prime examples of how socialism DOES work, as they are the most stable nations on our planet with flourishing economies.

Pat said...

I just read your article and About Me and Josh's comment. I can't believe you are only 15. Josh should read

Perhaps he would have his eyes opened.

theCanadian said...

Highland, I disagree with your post. The original post explains problems with socialism, not why socialism doesn't work.

As you yourself mentioned there are successful countries which do have strong socialist aspects to them. However, your examples also have strong capitalist ideals as well, and are therefore not "purely" socialistic examples. But it may be impossible to come up such an example.

As you stated socialism does possess, to a certain degree, a sort of stability. However, ideals of socialism are nearly impossible to achieve. The problems arise with the forceful attempt to provide total, or nearly total equality.

Usually the forcing is done by some political hero who in one way or another has convinced his or her followers that they have the solution to fixing the problems of socialism.

Thus, total control of power and resources are handed over to a single person or a small group of people. When this happens, you have communism.

It does not become a dictatorship until the leader decides use that power to their own ends, which is usually the case.

So, essentially, yes socialism has the potential to work, but one thing usually leads to another, and the system collapses.

Yes, certain points of the original post are flawed, such as a defined difference between socialism and communism. Technically, some examples of socialist leaders were in fact, either communist or a dictator, (I think the Hilary thing was a joke) but on the whole, with the exception of the flagrant proclamation of the dominance of the United States, I agree with him.

Nick McD said...

Communism is actually different from socialism. I know how hard some people find it to believe that two words can mean different things but in this case there are a few major differences. The biggest difference is that only what is needed to survive is provided in socialism, so if you want to be the best worker at your job so that you make more and so that you make more you are free to. It has worked all over Europe, and if we were not afraid of socialism it easily could work here.

koeber said...

"The United States is the freest, wealthiest, most powerful country in the world"

Most powerful? yes
wealthiest? no, per capita the United States is in 8th (
And freest? LOL

Raffe said...

Ha what a load of crap. you ake out as if the only way to better yourself is by earning money and thats the essential thing to be succesful, or happy in life. typical capitalist bullshit.Such an imoral and unethical system. models of socialism may not have been succesfull in the past, but it has many ore valuable traits than capitalism.

ayatollahofrockinrolla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ayatollahofrockinrolla said...

Highland is on the right track. Unfortunately 9 out of 10 Americans lump Socialism & Communism as the same evil thing. Socialism aims to create a minimum standard of living for all citizens. Including things like freeways, hospitals,etc. It allows for competition, differing wages, upward mobility, and entreprenuership. It's a safety net that works well with capitalism. The inferior, unfortunate, and unlucky are cared for. The rich are taxed more than the poor on a sliding scale.

Communism aims to create equality across the board. Everything shared equally. No competition. No incentives. No private property. No way to get ahead. No inspiration or purpose for striving for a better life. It ignores supply and demand. It dictates the behavior of its citizens and business. It is unnatural. It is welfare state for everyone. It typically has one ruling party permanently. No political competition. It creates an inherent ultra elite ruling class and 99.99% worker bees with zero sway. It dictates what people can buy and when. The way I see it, any extremes usually lead to something bad. Far left Communism is just as evil as far right carte blanche unregulated monopolistic Capitalism. The happy medium is Social democracy. Look at the happiest most fullfilled countries (Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark,Norway) are all Social Democracies.
So the biggest problems with Communism are-
-Basically a dictatorship (Mao, Stalin, Castro).
-Individuals cannot own private property.
-Elimination of religious freedom.
-Elimination of freedom of the press, becomes state run propaganda only.
-No competition.

But none of these negatives are in Socialism

Doc said...

" Prohibition is like communism. It's a good idea, but it won't work."
~ Will Rogers ~

Nicky Price said...

Thankyou so much for this post. I'm doing a debate for History and am arguing to 'make Russia' a Democracy. I'm against the Social Democrats and the Socialist Revolutionaries. Needless to say, your post has been EXTREMELY helpful.

So thankyou!!! :D

So It Was said...

Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, are all leftist beliefs (slightly differed but highly similar).
The Only reason why The United States is falling is that after the infiltration of American Government by Communist sympathizers (eg. people who attacked McCarthy for attempting to stop Communist infiltration and called him looney, nations were at stake!). After this infiltration, legislation was passed which allowed Federal Government to muffle the 10th Amendment and muffling of nearly all of the Bill of Rights.
The American Youth has been indoctrinated to be anti-American; literature classes in public schools teach the "much awaited fall of America" - of which I have been forced to read.
The indoctrination of the youth is obvious in 1960's where youth burned American Flags and when arrested, the Supreme Court decided in favor of the youth.
When the United States began to be infiltrated, did the U.S. begin to fall economically, where as when Capitalism was ruling - so did U.S. (which system is truly to blame, eh?)
American Framers sought to create a system that went against Any Leftist system, bringing America to a World Power in less than a century! Not only that, the Hippy-Era youth were in fact the wealthiest youth in the history of America, yet it was thrown away.
People often bring up the Great Depression and how the Capitalism "failed"; When in the history of the world have people raised the economy and destroyed it simultaneously? Clear evidence proved that the American people had virtually no responsibility of the G.D., it was the Federal Reserve ( & (; yet the public is taught otherwise - proof of indoctrination.
People argue that other nations function with Leftist systems of Government and Economics, these advocates never say how these nations can "function". Here is a hint.
America used to be a democratic republic (not Constitutionally protected anymore; Patriot Act) where power was derived from the Constitution, given to the Federal and State governments Separately, but now America derives its power from a mysterious & select few. (Socialist blaming Corporations - incorrect), if it was Corporations then the People could easily alter the undesired results (through economic exercise), but that is not possible Since the Federal Government pays Corps. with Bail Outs and other forms of payment to Screw The People over, regardless what the Constitution says; who, then is the real enemy?
Ignorance & lack of correct action is the problem: The Green Movement fooled ignorant Americans buying useless go-green scams (fluorescent light bulbs have been known to naturally emit radiation). Nuclear Energy, which is great overall despite a very tiny percent of danger where Wind-Powered Energy alters climate. Companies, with the new green standards, are emitting the same amount of certain greenhouse gasses - legally. All they do was get document that allowed emition of greenhouse gasses, while Americans waste money on green products.
Truth be told,an investigation that Al Gore, altered findings he received from scientists, which used in his film. The scientists concluded that Global Warming was indeed a myth, while Gore made money off of his film, off of ignorant Americans. It also has been proven that Recycling is more terrible to Earth than throwing the trash where it belongs (the only exception Aluminum): (Penn and Teller Bullshit: Recycling).
Here is a video based off of a man that was killed in going against the Federal Government - legally.
As always, I am open to a discussion.
Go Patriotic Resistance!

andycox said...

What is s socialism? Here's my take:

Unknown said...

...Except that Socialism is merely the road to what are you really saying?

ayatollahofrockinrolla said...

I am personally against any power that becomes so powerful that it stifles the power, freedoms and will of the people. Whether that power is Communism, Monarchy's Divine Right of Kings, or a government that favors Corporations deregulation & profit over the will & well-being of the people. But to say Socialism leads to Communism is moronic. I do not see Canada or the Nordic countries (which are the happiest countries/people in the world) becoming Communist any time soon. You want a country without "socialism"? Go to Mexico where there are no public services. Where the police are corrupt from lack of pay, where if a house catches fire it burns to the ground because there are no firemen. Watch the trash & filth pile up on the streets because there's no one to pick it up. Meanwhile children will be playing in those trash heaps because all public parks will be closed down. Expect society to become even more uneducated because City Colleges will no longer exist. Maybe that sounds like Heaven to you, but to me it sounds like Hell.