Sunday, 28 October 2007

On the use of mind altering drugs

I used to think this was an easy topic. Then, I grew up.Now I know I'm not one to speak about this what with my past experiences but the issue is not on whether these drugs should be used but in whether they should be used for enlightenment purposes.
The topic of drugs, specifically Marijuana and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (a.k.a. LSD or "acid") seems to be creating more controversy, especially over the last few months. While this has even come under recent discussion in some Gnostic forums, I felt the need to explore the subject a little to find out if there's more to it than just acceptance of authorative norms.It's a touchy subject among some, particularly the younger crowd (or the more liberal). However, I think there are more complex issues at hand than just the particular freedom to use any mind altering substance one can aquire. For some, the idea has come into play that using said drugs can actually help with the elevation of the consciousness. This seems like a valid argument, especially since "mind-altering" states can create the illusion of being in a static state of mind.My case is this: it IS an illusion. The problem with these drugs is not that it helps some "attain" enlightenment by "centering" their thoughts, the problem is instead that it creates the illusion of illuminary thought, and the dependence on a physical substance to return to the previously "aquired" state of mind. There is no independence of experience, meaning that it is all dependant on a material substance to achieve the experience.Put it to the point: the drug is of the "world of forms" and creates no real "enlightenment." It's the body's way of compensating for chemical stimulation that is set into motion. For me, this chemical stimulation can actually cause a blockade of the actual experience, and create a resistence to the real, spiritual experience of gnosis through a lesser known Archon - Addiction.This is not to say that certain people in the past have not used such methods to receive many great poetic, visionary, artistic expressions. The Beatles come to mind to prove this idea. But to rely on material substance as the sole form of experience is to lose focus on what's real - spiritual gnosis.Divine Communion can be experienced with a completely lucid state of mind. Dependancy on material substances creates a rift between the spiritual and physical that is almost impossible to overcome. The spiritual truth should be allowed to flow through the sober mind, because the intake and processing of this experience is what matters post-gnosis. To have judgemental impairment on this gnosis is to deny yourself the reality of the experience.You only see what you want to see with the drugs,even if you don't know it at the time.Maybe I'm wrong though.

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