Sunday, 28 October 2007

Why do it right when you can do it twice?

Laziness irritates me to no end.I can't understand why someone would want to take an "easy way out" when it's usually the path that leads them to have to re-do something.Far as I'm concerned, a job's not worth doing if it's not worth doing right. I hate trying to rush through something; I'd rather take my time and make sure it's right. Of course I don't always succeed, but I seem to have a higher success rate when I do things right.With our "instant coffee" culture today, this often presents a problem for anyone trying to "keep up" with the rest of the world. I've made it a big effort on this blog to speak out against rushing oneself, as this is often what leads to certain failure.Take it from someone who knows - doing a task that you don't want to do can be quite annoying. But having to do the task twice is completely stupid.Take your time, do it right, and be finished. The same applies to the spirit. Don't be quick to rush to beliefs and revelations. Slow down, absorb, and relax. Then do it again.

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