Sunday, 28 October 2007

Saviour returned

Molded to my heartIs the sound of your sight.I hear your touchAnd I feel your life.I'm sober againOnce so drunken before.Ignorance left me shallowFear left my spirit poor.Light shown throughAnd the dark was smothered.Shades of gray coloredClarity was recovered.Given the truthA ray of hope shinesKnowledge of selfMy path now unwinds.My spirit is pulsingFilled with rejoiceLonging to returnAnd give Silence a voice.I recovered the questNow knowing the wayThe savior is savedThere will be no delay.Seekers will be soughtKnowledge revealedKnowing the way forwardHerding sheep to the field.Dependent on meThe rest of the foldSpirits of lightThey await truth to be told.Awake sleeping souls!It's time to discernAll must find the lostThe guide has returned.I will lead you to HimEverlasting delightFor my yoke is easyAnd my burden is light.

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